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Tell Crossroads Trading Co. to stop union busting in Seattle

SEATTLE (Feb. 18, 2022) — Growing interest in forming unions has led to some high-profile organizing campaigns at companies like Starbucks and Amazon. And they’ve been met with some aggressive — and in some cases, illegal — union-busting campaigns by management.

But those companies aren’t the only ones.

Crossroads Trading Co. buys and sells clothing and accessories at locations across the nation. Employees at its Seattle location on Broadway are attempting to form the Crossroads Workers Union with UFCW 21, and have a mail-in election set for Feb. 28 to March 28.

But just like Starbucks and Amazon, Crossroads management is engaged in an aggressive union-busting campaign.

The company has hired Jackson-Lewis, a well-known union avoidance consulting firm that recommends its clients literally go to war against employees’ efforts to join together in unions. These consultants are holding captive-audience meetings with Crossroads employees and they’ve broken out the classic anti-union playbook to pressure these workers into opposing unionization.

TAKE A STAND Please send a message to Crossroads management: DON’T UNION BUST! Let them know that you know what they’re up to, and that the community supports Crossroads workers.

If you’re wondering what’s in the “classic anti-union playbook” that Crossroads, Starbucks, Amazon, REI and other companies are paying these high-priced consultants to use, here’s an excellent primer from John Oliver:


Follow the Crossroads Workers Union on Twitter @CrossroadsUnion.

CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!