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Rally with Janitors on June 21

SEIU 6 janitors will rally Friday as they fight for a fair contract

SEATTLE, WA (JUNE 20, 2024) — SEIU 6 janitors are entering into negotiations with major janitorial contractors, fighting for living wages. Janitorial workers provide essential services, but are often underpaid and disrespected on the job. Together in their union, Seattle’s janitors are pushing back on the status quo. As they fight for a fair contract, the workers are calling on all union members and labor supporters to stand with them.

TAKE A STANDRSVP to join SEIU 6 janitors for a rally in downtown Seattle (FS Tower, 801 5th Ave, Seattle) on Friday, June 21 @ 12pm

Serious problems have plagued the industry for years. The cost of living in the Seattle metropolitan area has increased more than 20% since January 2021. Many contractors have not rebuilt their janitorial workforce since the early days of the Covid pandemic, which means hundreds of janitors have been left without jobs. This means that those who are employed are expected to put in more hours and take on a much heavier load. The increased workload can result in serious injuries, extensive time away from their families, and higher costs for child care.

When janitors aren’t paid a fair wage or their medical benefits get cut, they may be forced to take on second jobs or risk sacrificing even their most basic needs. SEIU6’s main goal in negotiations with janitorial contractors is to improve janitors’ economic situation. If negotiations fall through, it could culminate in a labor strike, which means an interruption in critical janitorial services. The workers are committed to exhausting all options to secure a good contract, including striking if the janitorial contractors won’t meet the workers’ needs.

The janitors are fighting for three main things:

1. Fair Wages: Ensuring all contracted union janitors are compensated fairly for their hard work.

2. Medical Benefits: Janitors need access to quality medical insurance for peace of mind and security for themselves and their families.

3. Respectful Workplace: Janitors are resilient, committed, hardworking people who are doing their best to build a life for themselves and their families. But that’s really tough to do when the average salary for janitors is less than $45,000 a year. Wage increases and the preservation of medical care will build help build a respectful workplace.

TAKE A STANDRSVP to join SEIU 6 janitors for a rally in downtown Seattle on Friday, June 21 and sign the workers’ petition today. 

CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!