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‘Jobs Now’ signed, Everett-built 777X wings, square pegs at the Times…



► In today’s News Tribune — Governor’s pen strokes launch $1 billion in public works projects— Gov. Gregoire signed more than $1 billion in public works spending into law Monday, including money to refurbish state-run living quarters for the developmentally disabled that the governor had planned to veto until the last minute. Bipartisan writers in the Legislature intended the public works projects as an economic stimulus that will jolt hiring in the hard-hit construction industry while also cleaning up polluted waters and building government facilities. Sen. Derek Kilmer (D-Gig Harbor), who was one of the lead authors of the plan, said it would spur an immediate 18,000 jobs and 8,000 more in the long term.




► In today’s Seattle Times — Expertise, economics make Everett strong bet for future 777 line — Washington state has a shot at a tantalizing bonus prize that could be even more important for the region’s aerospace future: a facility to manufacture the 777X’s huge, carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic composite wings — the biggest such wings ever made. The expected growth from the planned 777X should add hundreds of production jobs.

“To get the new technology and start building the wings of the future, that would be a giant, giant win for Washington state,” said Mark Blondin, national aerospace coordinator with the International Association of Machinists.

► In today’s Seattle Times — Boeing reportedly lining up large United order — Boeing looks set to win from United Airlines an order for more than 100 single-aisle jets, which would be worth more than $5 billion after typical market discounts. If finalized, the large order will be a big boost for Boeing’s new 737 MAX in its competition with the rival Airbus A320 neo.




► At — Sen. Roach asks McKenna for opinion on roll-your-own cigarettes bill — GOP Sen. Pam Roach has asked the state attorney general’s office to give an informal opinion as to whether the measure qualifies as “raising taxes.” That’s significant, because voters passed I-1053 in 2010, which requires a two-thirds vote by lawmakers to do just that.

► In today’s Seattle Times — Liquor-store auction: nearly $31 million in winning bids — Washington stands to take in $30.75 million for an auction to win rights to apply for spirits retail licenses at 167 state-run liquor stores.




► In today’s Seattle Times — Eyman patron exceeded campaign contribution limit to John Koster — Michael Dunmire, the Woodinville millionaire who has bankrolled many of Tim Eyman’s initiatives has given $6,000 to Republican John Koster’s race for the 1st congressional district — $1,000 more than allowed by federal campaign-finance rules.




► In today’s Seattle Times — Defeat of Mercer Island school bonds resonates in region (editorial) — The failure of the Mercer Island school-construction bond measure has lessons for all school districts. School officials must make proposals that are better calibrated to the economic times.

EDITOR’S NOTE — But, as The Stand pointed out last week, communities across Washington state voted to raise their taxes to pay for schools, fire protection and other public services and facilities. Leave it to the conservative editorial board at The Seattle Times to spotlight the outliers in one of our state’s wealthiest communities who voted “no,” and spin it as a sign that voters are weary of taxes during tough times. More evidence that ideologues will try to squeeze any square peg of news into the round circle of their worldview.

► In today’s Kitsap Sun — Fred Hill Materials closes after 66 years— Poulsbo-based concrete-supplier Fred Hill Materials, a three-generation company, shut down all operations for good Monday, laying off 42 employees. The 66-year-old company employed about 130 people in 2006, when all of its facilities were in operation.

► In today’s Kitsap Sun — SoundRunner gets 5-month reprieve — Port of Kingston commissioners have given the passenger-only ferry service to Seattle five more months to shape up.




► From AP — Senate to vote today on measure to nullify union rules — The Senate will vote Tuesday on a rarely invoked measure to overturn rules approved by the NLRB last year. Though the measure has little chance of passage — it also faces a White House veto threat — the vote forces Democrats in tough elections to take a stand on rules that have won praise from unions and sharp rebukes from business groups.

ALSO at The Stand — Stop GOP attack on fair union election rule

► At AFL-CIO Now — Trustees’ report shows Social Security ‘vibrant, strong’ — The annual Social Security trustees’ report released today shows Social Security is “vibrant and strong,” says AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. but he warns that Wall Street bankers and lawmakers intent on cutting Social Security will use today’s report to push cuts to the program again.

ALSO at The Stand — The simple Social Security fix no one wants to talk about

► At AFL-CIO Now — Working America connecting work, unions and communities — While many know of the AFL-CIO’s community affiliate Working America as a high-level field operation that wins on issues and in elections, it has evolved into much more. Employing new tools and strategies, Working America is working with dozens of unions and progressive allies to strengthen ties between communities and local labor to build progressive infrastructure for the long haul. We’re in it to win it. See some examples.

► At TPM — Wal-Mart’s Mexico scandal: Stocks slip as Congressional probe launched — The fall-out from allegations that Wal-Mart bribed officials in Mexico began in earnest on Monday, with the company’s stock suffering, observers raising the prospect of large fines and even jail time, and lawmakers in Washington announcing the launch of a Congressional investigation into the activities of the world’s largest retailer.

► In The Hill — Coalition pushing for corporate tax holiday reins in lobbying — According to one lobbyist, the coalition – which included Cisco, Google, Apple, Oracle and other Silicon Valley titans – has decided to “hit the pause button” as campaigning took hold of Capitol Hill.

► In today’s NY Times — A test on equal pay (editorial) — Mitt Romney’s flip-flopping commitment to fair pay will soon be tested. In the coming weeks, Senate Democrats are planning to make another attempt to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, a much-needed updating and strengthening of the 1963 Equal Pay Act.




► Mitt Romney’s Awkward 2012 Bonding Tour of America:


The Stand posts links to Washington state and national news of interest every weekday morning by 9 a.m. These links are functional at the date of posting, but sometimes expire.

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