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Inslee-McKenna tied, home health care, IAM in SC…

Tuesday, October 23, 2012




► From AP — Poll: Inslee, McKenna tied as ballots reach voters — Conducted last week — while ballots were going out to state households — the survey showed that Democrat Jay Inslee and Republican Rob McKenna each had the support of 46% of likely voters. The poll of 500 likely voters was conducted by consulting firm Strategies 360.

► At — Dems, independents hold McKenna’s fate, polls show — “What’s going to decide this race is where Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents come down,” said the Strategies 360 polling director.

► In the Seattle Times — Truth Needle: McKenna ad wrong, he’s voted for tax increases — A TV ad by Republican candidate Rob McKenna claiming he “has always opposed property-tax increases” is mostly false.

► At PubliCola — Palin PAC contributed $5,000 to Koster — Sarah Palin’s Sarah PAC contributed $5,000 to Republican 1st Congressional District candidate John Koster. He also got a $5,000 contribution of house majority leader — and former Tea Party leader — Rep. Eric Cantor’s PAC.

► From AP — Reed takes back gift to charity, gives funds to GOP — Secretary of State Sam Reed recently retracted a $50,000 charitable donation that he gave to a state educational center, redirecting that money back into politics to help Republicans in this year’s election.

► In today’s (Longview) Daily News — Cantwell to attend labor rally in Kelso this Friday — U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell will be the featured speaker at a labor rally 3 p.m. Friday at the Pacific Barber Shop in downtown Kelso.




► In today’s Kitsap Sun — Kitsap County employees blast 2013 benefits proposal— Nearly 50 county workers from various departments show up at the commissioners’ meeting to blast the “across the board” proposals that would extend to nonrepresented employees as well. Some called it “a slap in the face.”

► At — Emails raise more questions about Port CEO — The Port Commission approved Tay Yoshitani’s request to serve on the board of Expeditors International, saying any work he did for the company would be done on his personal time. But the emails show Port staff interacting with Expeditors on Yoshitani’s behalf.

► In the Tri-City Herald — Compensation rules eased for Hanford workers — Rules have been eased to offer $150,000 compensation to more workers who contracted cancer after working at Hanford as recently as 1983.




► In today’s Olympian — Home-care question will go to federal court— Gov. Chris Gregoire said Monday she won’t appeal a 9th Circuit Court ruling that struck down budget cuts that reduced the number of in-home care hours available to Medicaid clients. The case will return to U.S. district court for a final decision.

► In today’s NY Times — Settlement eases rule for some Medicare patients –Tens of thousands of people with chronic conditions and disabilities may find it easier to qualify for Medicare coverage of potentially costly home health care, skilled nursing home stays and outpatient therapy under policy changes planned by the Obama administration.




► In today’s NY Times — Sparring over foreign policy, Obama goes on offense — Picking up where he left off in last week’s debate, Obama went on offense from the start, lacerating his challenger for articulating a set of “wrong and reckless” policies that he called incoherent. While less aggressive, Romney pressed back, accusing the president of failing to assert American interests and values in the world.

► At Huffington Post — Debate polls show another win for Obama — Instant reaction polls after the third and final presidential debate showed a strong performance for Obama, following a resounding Romney victory in the first debate and a small victory for the president in the second.

► In today’s NY Times — The final debate (editorial) — Mitt Romney sounded confused and incoherent and had no original ideas of substance.




► From AP — Machinists union talks to Boeing workers in S.C. — More than 50 Boeing workers spoke to the IAM about their concerns at the South Carolina plant, said Tommy Mayfield, union Grand Lodge representative for the Southern territory. The concerns included overtime, scheduling and opportunities for promotion, said Mayfield, who added that the workers in South Carolina were aware the union employees in Washington were paid more.

► From AP — Walmart sued over temp agency hours — Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is being slapped with a lawsuit that claims that the world’s largest retailer and its staffing agencies broke federal minimum wage and overtime laws by requiring temporary workers to appear early for work, stay late to complete work and work through lunches and breaks without compensation.

► At TPM — Obama: Sequestration ‘will not happen’ — In an early exchange during Monday night’s presidential debate about foreign policy, President Obama confidently predicted that across-the-board cuts to defense and domestic spending scheduled to kick in early next year won’t take effect.


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