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Support, attend Labor Fundraiser for SeaTac Prop 1 on Oct. 18

SEATAC — SeaTac Prop 1 would ensure that workers employed at and around SeaTac Airport receive at least $15/hour and up to 6.5 days of paid sick leave, it incentivizes airport-related businesses to employ full-time workers, and it requires SeaTac hotels to give tips/service charges to the employees who provide those services.

Deep-pocketed corporate interests tried their best in court to keep Prop 1 off of the ballot and away from voters, but they failed. Now, they are spending big bucks on a campaign to convince people to vote against it. That means organized labor and community supporters need to step up and get the word out that “yes” on Prop 1 means “yes” to livable wages, paid sick days, and good airport-related jobs that will boost SeaTac’s local economy. And it’s the right thing to do.

seatac-prop-1-labor-fundraiserElectrical Workers (IBEW) Local 77, the Washington State Labor Council, M.L. King County Labor Council, and Casa Latina are inviting and encouraging all unions, rank-and-file members and supporters to step up for SeaTac working families by attending the Labor Fundraiser for SeaTac Prop 1 on Friday, Oct. 18 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the IBEW 77 Hall, 19415 International Blvd. in SeaTac.

Unions and organizations are asked to contribute a minimum of $150 to sponsor 10 SeaTac workers (at $15 each). Additional union contributions are very welcome. Individual participants should contribute whatever they can.

Come enjoy some food and refreshments, and meet SeaTac workers and supporters who are fighting for livable wages.

Please RSVP to Jan Hays at or 206-281-8901, or call her for more information.


CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!