I’m leaving the Labor Center, so Director position is now open
(May 21, 2015) — I will be leaving the Washington State Labor Education and Research Center at South Seattle College this summer.
It has been a privilege and honor to lead the Labor Center over the last five years and my great pleasure to get to know so many of you who fight for workers’ rights, lead your unions, and work daily to build an economy that works for everyone. You have taught me a great deal and, for that, I am tremendously grateful. Many of you have also given me the opportunity to come in to your union halls and facilitate labor education classes. These have been amazing experiences for me and, I hope, useful to you. Thank you.
Darby Frye and John Boyle will still be at the Labor Center and able to serve your labor education needs. Don’t hesitate to contact them!
Darby Frye – 206-934-5380, darby.frye@seattlecolleges.edu
John Boyle – 206-934-5382, john.boyle@seattlecolleges.edu
I am moving just next door, taking a labor education job at the University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center. So I look forward to continuing to work with many of you on a regional basis.
And now I need your help.
South Seattle College has opened the search for my replacement. All applications for the Director job must be submitted through the Seattle College District’s online application process. The job posting is here and more information about the hiring process can be found here. The position closes on June 20, 2015.
Brothers and Sisters, in solidarity and with affection,