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China vs. Boeing, Delta vs. Alaska, commas vs. life…

Friday, September 18, 2015




china-xi-jinping-l► In the P.S. Business Journal — Bad omen: Boeing loses out to Chinese jetmaker in order from Thai airline — A non-Chinese airline will replace its Boeing jets with Chinese-built jetliners, an ominous sign for a U.S. company that sees China as its largest single future market. Thailand-based City Airways, a small-but-growing regional airline based in Bangkok, this week signed a deal for 10 Chinese-built C919s to replaced the two leased 737-400s it now operates.

ALSO at The Stand — Boeing’s China plan “causes great concern”

► In today’s (Everett) Herald — Boeing says it will make 747 panels in Georgia, but for whom? — The line’s current order backlog will only last another couple years at current production rates, which Boeing has already cut three times in recent years. Many industry analysts say the line likely will close after delivering Air Force One replacements.




► In today’s (Longview) Daily News — Strike continues, judge to hear request to order Kelso teachers back to work — Contract negotiations resumed at 10 a.m. Thursday but broke off in the late afternoon without an accord. Negotiators are scheduled to return to the bargaining table Friday. Even if they reach a deal, it’s unlikely teachers would go back to work before Monday, said a spokeswoman for the Kelso Education Association.




► In today’s News Tribune — Window washer in Tacoma falls to death from downtown building — A window washer died Thursday after falling from a downtown Tacoma building. He was identified as a 30-year-old Kent man.

haggen► In today’s Seattle Times — Haggen seeks OK for Albertsons to rehire workers — In a Thursday memo to employees, Haggen says it is “cooperating“ with Albertsons in a request with the Federal Trade Commission to revoke a one-year prohibition from hiring the Bellingham grocer’s employees.

► In today’s Bellingham Herald — Haggen to retain firm to explore sale of company — Haggen has asked for court approval to hire a company for at least $1.25 million to explore selling the grocery chain or most of its assets.

► In the P.S. Business Journal — Delta’s 2,800 Seattle employees just got a 14.5% raise — Delta is giving nearly all of its employees a big pay raise – and that includes almost all of the airline’s 2,800 Seattle-area employees. Atlanta-based Delta announced Wednesday that all eligible employees will get a 14.5 percent pay increase as part of the company’s profit-sharing plan.

EDITOR’S NOTE — Meanwhile, Alaska Airlines is STILL fighting to deny Sea-Tac Airport workers the $15/hour minimum wage approved by voters.

► In today’s Columbian — Clark College eyes up to $2.6 million in cuts — As declining enrollment erodes state funding, Clark College officials are proposing cuts in academic programs of up to $2.6 million.




sr-helicopter-fire-fighting► In today’s Seattle Times — Low pay was leading to pilot shortage for wildfire-fighting helicopters, said acting chief’s letter — Just days before a series of deadly, record-setting wildfires began exploding across Washington, the acting chief pilot for the state’s wildfire-attack helicopters wrote a letter to his superiors. Of the agency’s eight helicopters, “Right now we can only fly between 4-5 DNR helicopters because we don’t have the pilots,” John Adolphson wrote, arguing that low pay was making it hard to recruit pilots.

► In today’s Seattle Times — To save money, state builds copters from surplus parts — They aren’t in production anymore, but seven Hueys have made their way to the DNR to scout wildfires across Washington state and drop a water-foam solution to contain the blazes.

► In the (Everett) Herald — Eyman turns over bank records, court hearing reset — Initiative promoter Tim Eyman won’t be in a Snohomish County courtroom next week after producing bank records sought in a state probe. The PDC is investigating allegations that some of the money Eyman raised for one 2012 measure was improperly used to support another.




Murray-Trumka-WAGE-Act► From The Hill — Pass the WAGE Act for workers’ rights (by Richard Trumka) — The WAGE Act asserts in no uncertain terms that workers’ rights are civil rights. It would put corporations who abuse working people on notice that there will be real penalties for breaking the law. No more nonexistent fines. No more endless delays. Real, swift, and consequential penalties for violating workers’ rights.

ALSO at The Stand — Murray introduces WAGE Act to update, strengthen labor laws

► From Politico — House, Senate GOP leaders still lack plan to avoid shutdown — The same Republicans who campaigned on doing away with legislative crises are careening toward government shutdown in less than two weeks with still no concrete plan to stop it.

► From The Hill — Obama, Dem leaders unite behind plan to avert shutdown — The president and Democratic leaders in Congress want to pass a clean, stopgap bill to avert a government shutdown and allow negotiators more time to reach a long-term budget deal. The biggest hurdle? Demands from House conservatives that even a short-term continuing resolution funding the government block money for Planned Parenthood.

► In today’s Washington Post — A government shutdown: What federal employees need to know about their pay and benefits — With a potential government funding lapse drawing close, some financial planning now will help federal employees be ready if the money stops Oct. 1.

► In today’s NY Times — Dovish tone of Fed’s monetary policy statement surprises economists — With wage gains still scarce for most workers, and many having trouble finding full-time positions despite a 5.1 percent unemployment rate that would normally signal employers to raise pay, labor unions and liberal economists hailed the Fed’s move as a sign policy makers see continuing slack in the labor market as much more of a threat than inflation.




► From AFL-CIO Now — Trumka: Defeat of ‘right-to-work’ a victory for working families — “I commend the governor, Missouri AFL-CIO President Mike Louis, and each Republican and Democratic legislator who stood strong against this attack on workers. Right to work is a corporate sham designed to weaken our rights, silence our voice and line the pockets of the rich and powerful.”




politico-candidate-wealth► From Politico — It’s not just Trump — Carly Fiorina may be the new surprise flavor of the month in the GOP field, but there’s one aspect of her candidacy that’s neither surprising nor unusual in this 2016 field: she’s rich — in her case, very rich. Forget about the top 1 percent. An analysis of federal elections data shows that five candidates, led by billionaire Donald Trump, are in the top 0.1 percent. Fourteen of the candidates — 12 Republicans and two Democrats — have an average net worth above $1 million. Ten of the candidates (eight Republicans and two Democrats, including the front-runner) exceed the $7.76 million that qualifies them as members of the celebrated 1 percenters club.

► From Think Progress — Sanders unveils ambitious plan to end private prisons — “Study after study after study has shown private prisons are not cheaper, they are not safer, and they do not provide better outcomes for either the prisoners or the state,” Sanders said.

► From Huffington Post — Scott Walker tries to reassure nervous donors — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his team are working hard to calm their major donors — some of whom are worried that Walker is on a downward slide and did little to help his campaign in Wednesday night’s debate.

fiorina-layoffs► In today’s NY Times — Loser’s Poker (another MUST-READ by Timothy Egan) — The media stampede now is for Carly Fiorina. She’ll get a sizable poll bump and lots of favorable press in coming weeks. She showed dignity when asked to respond to Trump’s put-down of her looks, and she showed a basic mastery of detail that anyone who spends a day Googling world events could acquire. But she will not wear well; she’s a terrible candidate in the age of income inequality and a battered middle class. Mitt Romney was pummeled for investing in companies that close American plants and ship jobs overseas. Fiorina, as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, went him one better — firing thousands of people, while being rewarded for failure. She is the embodiment of the unfairness, the rigged game that hurts so many average working people.

► In The Onion — GOP promotes Carly Fiorina to male candidate after strong debate showing — “We are pleased to be able to offer Ms. Fiorina the increased respect and media coverage that come with being a male candidate,” said Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus. “Allow me to be the first to congratulate him and say that he has certainly earned it.”




► Point of Personal Privilege: This weekend, The Entire Staff of The Stand is delivering both of our sons to college — one back to Western and the other for Year 1 at Evergreen. Over the years, we have tried to influence their musical tastes, with very limited success, which is as it should be.

Vampire Weekend, a band that formed at Columbia University, is one that we agree upon. This song, inspired by a Facebook group established by Columbia students, may not have the best message in terms of academics, but it does on life.

Have a great year, boys, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

P.S. Most of it is small stuff.


P.P.S. Lil Jon does always tell the truth.


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