Tell Labor Dept. to quickly implement overtime pay rule
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Mar. 23, 2016) — The U.S. Department of Labor has sent the long-overdue, much-needed update in overtime pay rules to the Office of Management and Budget to prepare for its final implementation.
Unfortunately, conservatives in Congress are eager to steal this victory from America’s working families by running out the clock on one of President Obama’s signature economic achievements. The Congressional Review Act dictates that all “major” rules are delayed for 60 legislative days after they are submitted to Congress and are subject to a “fast track” process for repeal. That process has to end before President Obama leaves office to guarantee a veto of any Congressional resolution of disapproval.
If the DOL does not act soon, Congress will reverse this critical protection for millions of workers.
TAKE A STAND — Sign this petition to tell the Department of Labor to move quickly on implementing the new overtime rule — raising the overtime salary threshold from $23,660 to $50,440 — or opponents in Congress will run out the clock and steal this victory from millions of workers.
Watch Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor, explain — in just 2:30 — why updating overtime rules is so important.
Why workers deserve overtime pay
Posted by Robert Reich on Saturday, March 19, 2016