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Submit proposals now for Dec. apprenticeship conference

TACOMA (June 19, 2018) — The 2018 Pacific NW Apprenticeship Education Conference (PNWAEC) will be Dec. 4-5 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, but NOW is the time to share your union’s innovations, best practices and strategies to support and expand registered apprenticeship across our region and across industries.

The conference organizers are encouraging workshop applications that include demonstration projects, hands-on and interactive opportunities. For more details and instructions on how to submit a proposal, click here.

The 2018 PNWAEC will focus on the following tracks:

  • Registered Apprenticeship Basics
  • Registered Apprenticeship: The Value Proposition
  • Partnership, Collaboration and Innovation
  • Supporting Employers

For more information or to register for the Dec. 4-5 conference, click here.

CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!