A national call for safety and job security
UPDATE (June 1, 2020) — America faces a crisis on three critical fronts: a public health pandemic, an economic freefall, and long-standing structural discrimination. As a labor movement, we must attack all three with precision and purpose. To create the space for and contribute to the national conversation around racial justice happening right now, the AFL-CIO is postponing the Workers First Caravan/Five Economic Essentials events until later in June. Stay tuned for more information when a new date is announced.
AFL-CIO unions to urge action to enact America’s 5 Economic Essentials
(May 29, 2020) — The United States leads the world with more than 100,000 COVID-19 deaths and 1.7 million infections with the virus. Tens of millions of working people have lost their jobs, and the entire nation has become infected with fear and uncertainty. For weeks now, the AFL-CIO and its 55 affiliated labor unions have been calling our nation’s leaders to meet America’s Five Economic Essentials:
• Keep front-line workers safe and secure.
• Keep workers employed and protect earned pension checks.
• Keep state and local governments, our public schools and the U.S. Postal Service solvent and working.
• Keep America healthy—protect and expand health insurance for all workers.
• Keep America competitive—hire people to build infrastructure.
Now it’s time for action.
Next week, thousands of working people across America will participate in Workers First Caravans, meetings with elected leaders, sign-waving, and many other actions calling on Congress to implement America’s Five Economic Essentials. In Washington state, actions will include:
MONDAY, JUNE 1 — The Pierce County Central Labor Council will host a special forum at 5 p.m. on Monday, June 1 via Zoom with Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier. Download the event flier or to participate in the forum, email Patty Rose or call 253-219-6955 by 3 p.m. for log-in information.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 — The Snohomish & Island County Labor Council will conduct a socially distanced Sign Waving Event at sites around Snohomish County to demand elected officials at the federal and state levels adopt the Five Economic Essentials. Council delegates and other union volunteers are needed to throughout the day — though preferably during morning and evening rush hours — to deliver this message. Email Charlotte Murray if you can participate or if you have questions. All should plan to wear masks and socially distance to set a good example about worker safety.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 — The Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO and Central Labor Councils across the state will be doing digital actions throughout the day on social media to call on Congress and President Trump to adopt America’s Five Economic Essentials as the centerpiece of future legislation. Please follow the WSLC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and participate by sharing those actions and tagging elected leaders.