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A ‘path forward’ to union contracts at Starbucks

SEATTLE (Feb. 28, 2024) — Nearly two and a half years after Starbucks employees in Buffalo, N.Y., first joined together in a union with Workers United — with 9,000 more (and counting) Starbucks baristas voting since then to unionize in nearly 400 stores across the nation — Starbucks and Workers United announced Tuesday a “path forward” to reaching collective bargaining agreements. 

“During mediated discussions last week over ongoing brand and IP litigation, a constructive path forward emerged on the broader issues of the future of organizing and collective bargaining at Starbucks,” reads a statement posted by Workers United.

Starbucks has agreed to begin discussions on a foundational framework to achieve:

●  Collective bargaining agreements for represented stores and partners

●  A fair process for workers to organize

●  The resolution of litigation, including brand litigation

As a “sign of good faith,” Starbucks agreed to provide workers represented by Workers United with credit card tipping and other benefits announced by the company in May 2022.

“While there is plenty of work ahead, coming together to develop this framework is a significant step forward and a clear demonstration of a shared commitment to working collaboratively and with mutual respect,” the statement concludes.

TAKE A STAND — To celebrate and dive deeper into this victory, Starbucks Workers United invites union members and community allies who have supported the Starbucks workers’ organizing efforts to join them in a mass call today (Wednesday, Feb. 28) at 5 p.m. Pacific time. Register here to participate. They’ll be joined by Starbucks partners and Workers United Deputy Organizing Director Daisy Pitkin to discuss this landmark agreement, what it means for baristas, what’s next for SBWU – and how you can help.

Tuesday’s announcement is being hailed as a major win for Starbucks baristas who have joined together in unions — and those who will in the future. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler called ita significant victory for these heroic baristas and an inspiration to workers everywhere.”

According to the latest count, there are now 490 Starbucks stores in 46 states that have filed to unionize. Of those, 391 Starbucks stores in 43 states have won union elections, a nearly 80 percent win rate. In Washington state, 30 stores have filed for union elections and Starbucks workers have voted “Union Yes!” in 24 of them, with two elections yet to be held (in Renton Village and Mill Creek), one outcome pending a challenge, and just three rejecting the union.

But none of those 391 unionized Starbucks stores have reached a collective bargaining agreement with the company.

CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!