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Union jobs, at your fingertips

Virtual hiring hall launches to help workers find union jobs

SEATTLE (July 2) — Union workers make more than non-union workers, on average by more than 10%. For women, that differences is more than 20%. That’s a crucial pay bump for many working people, not to mention the job security, workplace protections, and earned respect that come with a union contract. These differences can be life changing.

Wanting a union job is one thing — but finding a union job is another. Enter the Virtual Union Hiring Hall, a collaborative project between the Presidents’ Organizing Initiative (POI) housed at the Martin Luther King Jr. County Labor Council (MLK Labor) and Partner in Employment (PIE). This innovative platform allows union employers to post positions, and applicants to look through their options, including pay, descriptions of work, and what union would represent them. Applicants can scroll a full list of positions, or search by job title or union.

The POI at MLK Labor and PIE have previously collaborated on in-person union job fairs, bringing together many union employers under one roof for potential workers to meet and scope out job opportunities. With the Virtual Union Hiring Hall, that experience is made more accessible to more workers.

The Virtual Union Hiring Hall is more than just a jobs board. The site shares important stats about the union difference for workers as well as basic info about what unions are and how they function. Workers can find essential resources, like resume guidance, help with cover letters and online application processes, and offers information on apprenticeship, a tried and tested pathway to a quality, family-wage job.

As public opinion of unions continues to rise, more and more workers are looking at union work for the first time. Programs like the Virtual Union Hiring Hall are valuable organizing tools for bringing more and more workers into our movement, and ensuring the benefits of a union job are as accessible as possible.

Share with your networks and help get the word out about this powerful resource for working folks. 


CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!