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Boeing session begins, $15/hour Seattle, why Detroit matters…

Thursday, November 7, 2013




inslee-jay-gov► In today’s (Everett) Herald — A special legislative session just for Boeing — State lawmakers begin a special session Thursday knowing exactly what they need to do and what might happen if they don’t.  Gov. Jay Inslee summoned them on short notice to pass a slew of measures, including a lengthy extension of a multibillion-dollar tax break to help ensure that the Boeing Co. assembles its future 777X jetliner in the state. To drive home the importance, a top Boeing official on Wednesday took the very rare step of putting it in writing.

TODAY at The Stand — Will the State Legislature act for the 777X?

► In the P.S. Business Journal — Boeing, union leaders, lawmakers raise hopes for 777X pact — While the blockbuster deal to keep Boeing’s 777X in Washington could stumble if the Legislature and union members don’t fall in line, there were at least some indicators Wednesday that agreement may be possible.

► In today’s Olympian — What’s the rush, some legislators ask — In a state where the Boeing Co.’s political clout is legendary, lawmakers return to Olympia on Thursday to answer the company’s latest wish list — even though some aren’t sure exactly what’s on the agenda or why it has to happen now.

► In today’s Seattle Times — Inslee defends call for Olympia to act quickly to win 777X — State lawmakers in both parties, though open to extending certain tax breaks for Boeing, cast doubts about being able to reach quick agreement on a $10 billion transportation-tax package — a deal that has eluded them all year.

► In today’s News Tribune — Lawmaker says Joint Base Lewis-McChord must be big part of transportation package — State Sen. Steve O’Ban (R-Tacoma) wrote in a letter Wednesday that a proposed gas-tax increase by the Legislature must pay for a major widening project on Interstate 5 near Joint Base Lewis-McChord.




seatac-good-jobs-initiative► In today’s Seattle Times — Backers of SeaTac’s $15 wage floor eye Seattle — “There is going to be a debate about a $15 minimum wage in Seattle, and it will be led by our new mayor,” said SEIU 775 President David Rolf. “There are citizens who are perfectly ready to move an initiative to ballot next year if an agreement can’t be reached at City Hall between labor and business. But I’m hopeful that we can engage in a reasonable dialogue about how to get to $15.”

ALSO at The Stand — SeaTac Prop 1 win is a model for workers across the country (by Rebecca Smith)

► In today’s News Tribune — Jan Angel increases lead over Nathan Schlicher in Senate race  — The Republican-dominated majority that runs the state Senate got closer Wednesday to welcoming a new member in 2014.

► In today’s (Everett) Herald — State’s Democrats are looking for leaders — Sens. Sharon Nelson of Maury Island and Karen Keiser of Kent are considered the top contenders to succeed Sen. Ed Murray as leader of the Senate Democratic caucus. Then in February, comes the selection of a new chairman for the state Democratic Party.

► From TIME magazine — Election 2013’s biggest winner? Labor unions — Across the country, candidates backed by unions triumphed over their counterparts, while ballot measures broke in favor of the unions that had campaigned for them as well. “Yesterday was not only a victory for unions, but a victory for working families,” Lee Saunders, the president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, tells TIME.




seattle-stylist-heather► From Moms Rising — 20 minutes flat! Time it took Seattle hairstylist to sign up for free health and dental coverage — After 20 minutes, I found her staring, puzzled, at the message on the screen: her Apple Health coverage for adults begins January 1. “Congratulations! Starting in 2014 you will have no cost health and dental insurance!” I explained. Astonished, Heather turned to me.  There was a long pause. The first words out of her mouth were “This is so rad.”



food-assistance► In today’s Olympian — Food stamps critical to struggling families (editorial) — Food stamp benefits for more than 1.1 million children and adults in Washington state were reduced last week when a temporary boost in aid tied to the 2009 federal stimulus package expired. State officials estimate the benefit cuts will total some $144 million a year in lost federal assistance. The monetary loss is significant, but the real loss is in the ability of struggling families to ward off hunger.

► In today’s News Tribune — Millennium Export Terminal right for Washington (by Karen Harbert and Tom Pierson) — The Millennium Export Bank Terminal in Longview is an opportunity for Washington to create thousands of jobs and generate millions in revenue.




afl-logo► At Huffington Post — AFL-CIO asks Latino voters to push immigration reform — The AFL-CIO isn’t giving up on comprehensive immigration reform. The largest federation of unions in the U.S. launched a series of television ads on Wednesday in districts with large Latino populations, urging them to ask their representatives in the House to support reform.

► At Politico — AFL-CIO targets GOP with immigration ad blitz — The AFL-CIO is poised to launch a high-dollar television campaign assailing House Republicans for their inaction on immigration reform, in an attempt to ensure that the congressional GOP pays a price if it continues to stall on an overhaul of the nation’s immigration system.

ALSO at The Stand — Rally Thursday (TODAY!) in Bellevue to demand immigration reform — Rally with immigration activists, community leaders, faith leaders, leaders of national organizations, impacted women and families who are fighting for action on comprehensive immigration reform in the U.S. House. Meet Thursday, Nov. 7 at 9:30 a.m. at Downtown Park, NE 1st St. & 102nd Ave. NE, in Bellevue. Can’t be there? Follow the action live on Twitter at #WAwomentogether.




mcconnell-mitch-stop► At AFL-CIO Now — Punishing working families more important to Mitch McConnell than workplace equality — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), are trying to weaken or kill the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) by attaching to it a provision that would create a national “right to work” for less law. “Right to work” legislation does nothing to protect workers or give them rights. Federal law already prohibits most of the things people like McConnell and Paul dishonestly say that “right to work” legislation is designed to fixed. Workers in “right to work” states, both unionized and nonunionized, make less in wages, have weaker benefits and face more dangerous workplace environments.




Why Detroit Matters — This video produced by AFSCME talks to the working families of Detroit and learns that not only do they believe their city can make a comeback, they know who is holding them back. They aren’t giving up and they don’t think anyone else should give up on them, either.


The Stand posts links to Washington state and national news of interest every weekday morning by 10 a.m.

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