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Boeing rolls S.C. dice, new border crisis, U.S. vs. the world…

Thursday, July 31, 2014




Boeing-Walmart► In today’s Seattle Times — Boeing will build largest 787 model only in South Carolina — Boeing confirmed that the largest version of its 787 Dreamliner — the 787-10, which was launched a year ago and so far has 132 orders — will be assembled exclusively in North Charleston, S.C. Boeing said the midbody fuselage section of the 787-10 “is too long to be transported efficiently from North Charleston” to Everett. The company says the prospect of increased work in South Carolina won’t mean less work here.

► From IAM 751 — IAM 751 president: Our members are Boeing’s best — Jon Holden on Boeing’s announcement: “We are not surprised, but we are certainly disappointed. Our members have proven they are Boeing’s best chance for success for meeting production, quality and delivery expectations, on every airplane program.”




► In today’s Yakima H-R — Farm labor recruiter alleges visa backlog — The state’s leading recruiter of foreign guest farm workers alleged Wednesday that a federal visa backlog has stranded Mexican workers at the border just as the state’s apples are nearing harvest. A group of farm workers on their way to orchards in Eastern Washington has been stuck at the border for nine days awaiting their temporary work visas, said Dan Fazio, director of the Washington Farm Labor Association, adding: “This is truly a crisis. The workers are stuck at the border with no money, and the farmers have no workers.”

► In today’s Tri-City Herald — Walla Walla VA hospital workers told to manipulate waiting list data — Almost 19 percent of Veterans Affairs hospital schedulers in Walla Walla said they were instructed to manipulate data on how long military veterans wait for medical appointments, according to details from a nationwide audit.

► In today’s Seattle Times — Two unions sue to separate Seattle preschool proposals on ballot — Unions seeking higher wages for Seattle child-care workers (AFT Washington and SEIU 925) want a judge to separate their initiative from the preschool plan proposed by city leaders so voters won’t have to choose between them.




roach-pam► In today’s Seattle Times — Fiery lawmaker Pam Roach in heated primary showdown — Roach, 66, the longest-serving Republican state senator, may be facing the most difficult political fight of her career. The 31st District’s two state House members — Republican Cathy Dahlquist and Democrat Chris Hurst — have teamed up to try to oust her in what has turned into one of the nastiest political showdowns of the year.

► In today’s Olympian — GOP candidate admits campaign finance errors, says he’s issuing refunds — Dan Griffey, a candidate for the state House challenging Democratic Rep. Kathy Haigh in the 35th District, says he is refunding contributions from three would-be donors in order to settle concerns raised by three separate campaign-finance complaints.




highway-construction► At AFL-CIO Now — Senate passes highway bill, but House balks — The Senate, with a large bipartisan majority, passed (79–18) legislation Tuesday to keep money flowing into the Highway Trust Fund and keep hundreds of thousands of workers on the job building and repairing the nation’s highways, bridges and other transportation projects. It also sets the stage for coming to an agreement for a long-term solution before the year is out. But House Republican leaders say they will not vote on the Senate bill.

► In The Hill — House jams Senate on highway funding — The House on Thursday will try to force the Senate to agree to its version of a $10.9 billion bill extending federal funding for highways and infrastructure projects. Republicans in the House believe Democrats in the Senate will have little choice but to accept their version of the bill if it is sent back on Thursday afternoon, just before Congress is set to begin a five-week recess. The House plans to adjourn shortly after the vote.

► In The Hill — Obama overhauls federal contracting rules — President Obama will sign an executive order Thursday aimed at improving workplace conditions for employees of federal contractors by pushing companies with shoddy records out of the government procurement process.

► In The Hill — Fast-food chains go to war with labor board — If it stands, the NLRB determination regarding McDonald’s could lead to an uptick in lawsuits against franchisors and force corporate management to the table in collective bargaining situations.

House-GOP-w-WA► At Politico — House votes to sue Obama — The 225-201 party-line vote authorizes Speaker John Boehner to take Obama to court on behalf of the House for delaying a provision in the health care overhaul that requires that most employers provide insurance to their workers. Democrats and White House officials argue the lawsuit is merely the first step in a broader battle against Obama that could result in impeachment proceedings. Republicans dismiss the impeachment talk, but the party is now in the awkward position of arguing that Obama is improperly exerting executive authority — but not in such a dramatic way that would warrant his removal from office.

EDITOR’S NOTE — Washington Republican Reps. Jaime Herrera Beutler, Dave Reichert, “Lame Doc” Hastings and “Shutdown Cathy” McMorris Rodgers all voted to sue the president. All Democrats is our state’s Congressional delegation voted “no.”

► At Vox — Boehner’s lawsuit is great news for Obama (by Matthew Yglesias) — The odds of the House GOP prevailing in court are miniscule. But it’s more than that. Obama is thrilled he’s getting sued, because public attention on the lawsuit actually solves the administration’s biggest problem.

► In The Hill — Ryan slams Ex-Im Bank as ‘crony capitalism’ — House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Wednesday derided the Export-Import Bank as “crony capitalism” that favors gigantic corporations over small businesses.

EDITOR’S NOTE — In defense of Boeing’s legislative priority, Rep. “Shutdown Cathy” McMorris Rodgers stands up to her Republican leadership comrade… here.




► From AP — Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds Walker’s 2011 union law — “No matter the limitations or ‘burdens’ a legislative enactment places on the collective bargaining process, collective bargaining remains a creation of legislative grace and not constitutional obligation,” Justice Michael Gableman wrote for the majority.

EDITOR’S NOTE — No more compelling argument exists for unions’ active involvement in politics. Our freedom of association and democracy at work can be taken away with the stroke of a politician’s pen.

► From Bloomberg — ACA dividends pile up for hospitals as patients pay — Even as Obamacare continues to be attacked by foes and challenged in court, hospital chains and insurers are making more money, more patients using ERs are paying for their care, and the country as a whole is enjoying slower growth in its health-care spending.




► At Think Progress — U.S. paid family leave vs. the rest of the world in 2 charts




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