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Commemorate WTO, join fight for fair TPP on Nov. 30, Dec. 1


(Nov. 15, 2012) — Tired of trade agreements that serve only multinational corporations and not workers and local businesses?  Tired of trade agreements that perpetuate a worldwide race to the bottom in salaries and working conditions?  Tired of trade agreements that protect billionaires but not labor rights or other human rights, or the environment?

We are, too. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It is possible to create trade agreements that create, not destroy jobs. It is possible to have trade agreements that promote the right to organize, that don’t destroy the environment, that don’t infringe on local and state governments right to create laws that protect public health, workers’ rights, and local businesses. It’s possible, but it isn’t going to happen unless we make it happen.

Right now, the newest, biggest, (and potentially worst) trade agreement yet is being negotiated behind closed doors the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). Canada and Mexico just joined the 9 other countries, making this the expansion of NAFTA that we have all feared. We have learned that the best way to stop bad trade agreements is to get to them before they get fast-tracked into Congress. Now is the time.

To paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., if we don’t step up, who will?  If we don’t step up now, when there’s still time, then when? We know we can do it. We know we must.

We are fortunate that Celeste Drake, our AFL-CIO trade representative is coming to Seattle at the end of November. This is a terrific opportunity to hear what’s happening with the TPP — and to take trade negotiations into our own hands. Plan to come to the events below. Plan to bring your members. It’s up to us to stop the TPP and reset trade agreements so they serve the people.

Friday, November 30:  Join Celeste Drake to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the WTO protest and talk about the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Arctic Hotel Polar Bar, 700 3rd Ave. (at Cherry Street) in Seattle.  This is a Trade Justice Happy Hour and fundraiser for the Washington Fair Trade Coalition — as we take on the TPP!

Saturday, December 1:  Join unionists, environmentalists, trade activists, students, first nations and other allies from Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. for cross-border action — “The People’s Round of Negotiations” – at 1 p.m. at Peace Arch Park in Blaine, WA. Click here for more information, fliers or to get a seat on the bus, visit TPPxBorder on Facebook, or call Kristen Beifus 206.227.3079 or email

CHECK OUT THE UNION DIFFERENCE in Washington: higher wages, affordable health and dental care, job and retirement security.

FIND OUT HOW TO JOIN TOGETHER with your co-workers to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and a voice at work. Or go ahead and contact a union organizer today!