Tacoma Paid Sick Days campaign kicks off
TACOMA — Right now, two out of every five workers in Tacoma lack the ability to take time off work to care for their own or their families’ health needs or to get a protection order if they are in a domestic violence situation. They either go to work sick or lose pay — jeopardizing public health, economic security, child and senior well-being, and community and business prosperity.
Cities and states across the country, including Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Connecticut, have successfully adopted minimum standards for paid sick leave to ensure healthy, responsible prevention.
The Healthy Tacoma Coalition is holding its kick-off event Thursday, May 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the main hall of the IBEW Local 76 building, 3049 S. 36th St. in Tacoma.
Delegates to the Pierce County Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, voted Feb. 12 to reaffirm the council’s support for a Paid Sick Days Ordinance in the City of Tacoma and has joined other community partners in this effort to ensure that workers in Tacoma can have the ability to earn a little paid time off to stay home when they or a family member is ill.
Download and post this event flier and share this invitation. It will be fun and festive, with food, entertainment and activities for kids. For more information, email Sandy Restrepo at healthytacoma@gmail.com.