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AFL-CIO describes how NAFTA could benefit working people

The following is from the AFL-CIO:

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 13, 2017) — On Monday, the deadline to submit public comment to the U.S. Trade Representatives regarding North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiation, the AFL-CIO revealed an extensive set of recommendations that could turn NAFTA into a trade agreement that empowers working people.

View 2-page Overview | View Full Recommendations

The recommendations include changes to labor and procurement rules, as well as improved consumer protections and new rules to prevent currency misalignment and tax dodging. The improvements are meant to ensure working people receive a fair return on their work and new rules aren’t written to benefit wealthy corporations and CEOs.

“It is time for the Trump administration to rewrite NAFTA the right way,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

If President Donald Trump follows our recommendations — if he renegotiates NAFTA, so it’s a real force for higher wages and broadly shared prosperity — we will help him pass it. If he uses renegotiation to further rig the rules for the wealthiest few, we will fight him with everything we have. And if President Trump breaks his promise and leaves the worst pieces of NAFTA in place, we will never forget it.

PREVIOUSLY at The Stand:

Tell USTR: Put people over profits in NAFTA renegotiations

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