Call U.S. Senate today: Reject this power grab
The following is from the AFL-CIO:
WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 23, 2020) — The latest Senate Republican coronavirus response bill gives away $1.3 trillion in free money to corporations, ignores the health crisis, and does nothing to keep people working or help the unemployed. After its rejection on Sunday, negotiations are ongoing between the White House, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Senate congressional leaders on revising this measure.
TAKE A STAND — Working people must be heard at this critical time! Please call your U.S. senators NOW — toll-free at 1-866-832-1560 — and tell them that they must reject this crony capitalism and put workers first.
After the Senate failed to advance the latest coronavirus response bill on Sunday, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka released this statement:
We commend the 47 Democratic senators under the leadership of Sen. Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) who voted to reject legislation that would have left workers behind while further entrenching money and power in the hands of corporations. Now it is time for the Senate to bring forward a better deal that addresses the public health crisis, keeps workers on the job, creates a real safety net for the unemployed and prohibits companies from using government assistance to lay us off, cut our benefits or enrich themselves.
This is not a moment for corporate power grabs or crony capitalism. Working people deserve better.