Rally Oct. 3 to support Tacoma city workers
The following is from Teamsters 117:
TACOMA — Members of Teamsters 117 and IBEW 483 have been in negotiations with the City of Tacoma for nearly a year. The city continues to make anemic wage proposals that are significantly below inflation, and significantly below what the city has offered other unionized employees.
TAKE A STAND — Teamsters, IBEW members, and their labor and community partners will hold a “We Run This City” Rally on Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 4:30 p.m. in front of the Tacoma Municipal Building, 740 St. Helens Ave., to demand a fair contract for city workers. Please stand in solidarity with your Teamster and IBEW siblings by joining them at this rally. Click here to RSVP.
Workers at the City of Tacoma provide essential services to its residents. They repair the city’s roads, clean up its parks, keep its streets safe, and operate its libraries, but the city continues to shut them down with no respect for their labor.
In mediation, the union provided the city with a detailed breakdown of class and compensation work to justify demands for higher wages, but the city has failed to respond to the workers’ proposal.
Please join supporters of Tacoma city employees represented by Teamsters 117 and IBEW 483 on Oct. 3 to send a message to the city: our community demands a fair contract for these essential workers!